Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pattern Love

I LOOOVE patterns! I love lots of kinds of patterns, but my favorite patterns are the ones that take a single shape, and manipulate to fit into itself, and multiply it, turn it, overlap it, change it's colors and it's opacities, and find millions of new expressions all going back to that one single shape.

Happy Valentines Day

This is the card I am making for Chad... I'm proud of it, so I'm putting it here in case anyone else would like to use it. Please don't tell Chad about it though, and spoil the surprise. Thanks!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Delaware Vacation

Okay, so it was a little like a tourist trap... (I'm talking they charged $1.50 an hour to park so you could go to the beach) but we had a great time anyway!

We got dad a metal detector for his birthday. He metal detected all over the beach and found a small piece of metal and a penny. But he also found the coins he put on the couch at the condo, and the springs in the bed, and a metal base on a lighthouse statue, and his keys.

Teresa waded into the water, then got bowled over by a rogue wave...

We crossed the Bay Bridge, which Chad clocked at 4 miles long.

Chad found football on the way, so he spent the drive fist pumping, holding up numbers on his fingers and saying things like "second and fourth!"

So... yeah... good times.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Fence... 2 weeks later...

Previously on "The Fence"...

My expectations: Saturday: gather materials, dig holes, put up posts
Sunday: screw boards in and be done
Reality: Saturday: gather materials and dig holes
Sunday: dig holes, put up 1 post
Monday: I gather more materials, Chad mowes lawn.
... More to come... Meh.

2 weeks later...
YEA!!! It's almost completed...



Chad is going to cut down the big posts and place vertical cedar boards over the seams.... so exciting!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Last Weekend

Went canoeing Saturday with Dad, Teresa, Chaddy, Annie and Boomer... sadly, I forgot the camera. Boomer seemed to enjoy his first canoe trip, and settled down considerably (stopped barking at people) once we were settled in the boat and on the river. We led both dogs into the river with us to play but when we dropped Boomer's lead, he opted to jump out of the water and rub his wet face and body in weeds and dirt. We dragged him back into the river to rinse off. He got tired and wore his yoda face the second half of the trip.
Annie, on the other hand, wanted to be in the river the whole time! By the time we'd manage to get her in the canoe, she would jump out the other side and lay down in the river. Defiant little girl! Sometimes, while we were moving, she'd stick her paw into the water! I'd say she's more retriever than border collie.
Saturday evening and Sunday we drove up to Cowan lake campground to join Chad's fam. Decided driving up and coming home at night is a much better plan for us than weekend camping at Cowan, at least for now while our dogs are crazy and we have no camper.
Monday, got together at my parents house for Labor Day... complained about the increasing commercialization of Labor Day, and how Labor Day decorations keep coming out earlier and earlier... Good times.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's a Frap!!!

Hehehe! This one's for Chaddy... and because I am a frappuccino addict.